Truck Simulator Wiki
Truck Simulator Wiki

Please use talk pages to communicate things like page edits and media requests. I have just uploaded a new image to the Toll Gate's article as per request from a parenthesis at the bottom of that article. There is also a further parenthesis requesting that wikia users stop submiting game requests. This information feels more general than the topic of the specific page and should perhaps be moved to the front page or other generic page. 

Fimastokon (talk) 14:31, August 25, 2015 (UTC)

The New Front Page[]

I finally put together the new front page after a few tests.


Any suggestions/improvements? I might try and match the colour schemes.

The New Front Page[]

I finally put together the new front page after a few tests.


Any suggestions/improvements? I might try and match the colour schemes.

SodaDog (talk) 17:07, September 2, 2015 (UTC)

New Contribution[]

Affiliated website:

--Oska XI (talk) 19:27, November 23, 2015 (UTC)



There are lot of ATS and other games pages in this wiki now... So could somebody maybe design a new logo and change the ETS2-Logo in the left upper corner into a new Truck-Simulator-Wiki-Logo? I already tried, but my designing skills are very bad...

Doktorpixel14 (talk) 09:51, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

You are right! I have thought of that for quite a while, but my design skill is not very well either.  Still, I think I could, as a viewer, give some recommendations.  The key point, IMHO, is to make any custom font on the logo as aligned to the SCS logos as possible. -- Patrickov (talk) 13:06, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

Link typo.[]

Since I can't edit the front page I'll put this here: In the part with the news about released DLCs the image linking to the Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC is missing a space between : and Beyond, making it link to "Euro_Truck_Simulator_2:Beyond_the_Baltic_Sea" instead of "Euro_Truck_Simulator_2:_Beyond_the_Baltic_Sea". Lord Inioch (talk) 05:03, June 16, 2019 (UTC)

Just a reminder that the above is still not fixed. Lord Inioch (talk) 04:30, June 27, 2019 (UTC)
Oh, it has been there for months and noone noticed it ... So thanks a lot! --Doktorpixel14 (talk) 23:38, June 28, 2019 (UTC)

Main pages photos are misplaced[]

Photos in my page are misplaced by 150px . Please remove top:150px; from CSS code. 2 December 2020 ~ Trucker

Should be fixed, please check -- Patrickov (talk) 10:26, 20 December 2020 (UTC)