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 American Truck Simulator    18 Wheels of Steel    
 Note: This page contains all the informations about Las Vegas in 18 Wheels of Steel.

Las Vegas is the largest city in Nevada. It is featured in the 18 Wheels of Steel series.


Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel[]

The city features depots of Capone International and Scart One. Also has a Service shop.

Pedal to the Metal[]

The companies CropBank, FM Mall, IWM Waste and Zabarts Food are in the city. Also has a Gas station and a Service shop.


The companies Amergine, Constructions, East Hospital and Tri Air are in the city. Also has two Gas stations, a Hotel and a Service shop.

ALH / Haulin'[]

The companies Dig Witch Ltd., Hospital, Tri Air and Zabarts Food are in the city. Also features a Garage, two Gas stations, a Hotel, a Service shop and a Parking lot.

In ALH, a third Gas station has been added.


Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel[]

Pedal to the Metal[]

ALH / Convoy / Haulin'[]

  • The IS15 goes north to Salt Lake City and south to Los Angeles.
  • The US93 runs south to Phoenix.
  • The US95 runs north to Reno.


Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel[]

Pedal to the Metal[]



American Long Haul[]


  • In Pedal to the Metal, the US 93 in-game icon is from the Interstate 93, which is located at the east corner of the U.S.
  • Twin-cities of Las Vegas, which are also featured in SCS Software games:

See also[]
