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 Note: This page contains all the informations about Dallas in 18 Wheels of Steel.

Dallas is a city in Texas. It is featured in the 18 Wheels of Steel series.


Across America[]

The companies FM Mall, Homegarden and Wecanit are in the city, a Gl Chemicals depot is located in the IS20.

Pedal to the Metal[]

The companies Gl Chemicals, Hospital and Nextar Oil are in the city. Also has a gas station and a service shop.


The companies Constructions, Gl Chemicals and Ufo Oil are in the city, a Nextar Oil depot is on the IS20. Also has a gas station and a service shop.

ALH / Haulin'[]

The companies Dig Witch Ltd., Gl Chemicals and Ufo Oil have depots in Dallas. A garage and a parking lot are also in the city.

In ALH, a gas station is added.


Across America[]

Pedal to the Metal[]

ALH / Convoy / Haulin'[]

  • The IS20 runs west to the IS10 near El Paso, and east to the I-65 near Atlanta.
  • The IS35 runs north to Des Moines.
  • The I-45 runs south to Houston.


Across America[]

Pedal to the Metal[]



American Long Haul[]


See also[]
