Sorry for the excessive posting here, but I have a urgent message to ETS2. The game has seen a drop in players, while ATS is on the rise. Here's why. Many of the Euro DLC maps are old and lacking in quality, as many say "copy and pasted models". YouTuber Clumsy has mentioned that what part of what makes Colorado so good is that each implemented tree has a unique look. And when it also comes to ATS, the devs are paying more attention to details not just in courthouses and stadiums, but small statues as well (as seen in leaked Texas pics).
There are many inconsistencies as well, Clumsy also mentioned that a lot of locals of the Baltic region have came reporting that interchanges were incorrect, landmarks, and even things as broad as few road systems. However, if you compare ATS to reality, it's pretty close. All that would be left is facelifting Los Angeles and Phoenix. As you see, they are currently facelifting northern California, and a small revamp to the early states will restore them to current standards. Iberia may be the last high quality map DLC of ETS2. There has been a conspiracy with building Russia, but that may be in a long while. Years. The idea of facelifting all the map DLCs has most likely been rebutted.
There are also many other things, like addition of more trucks to ATS, etc. Europe would have pretty much been given up by the time of Texas if they don't do something.