Hi all, how do you fare in the Christmas Wise Giving event?
Got 2 deliveries done in ETS 2 so far, but yet to do any ATS yet.
For ETS 2, again Terni is the backwater. Kind to astonished to see SCS not bother to fix the search setting issue.
Hi all, how do you fare in the Christmas Wise Giving event?
Got 2 deliveries done in ETS 2 so far, but yet to do any ATS yet.
For ETS 2, again Terni is the backwater. Kind to astonished to see SCS not bother to fix the search setting issue.
Some update after a few days.
I did exclusively on ETS 2 mainly because I expect myself not having enough time to complete both, so better stick with one at least.
There are clearly some old cities which are unloved. The most unexpected one to me must be Plymouth. IMHO it's easily accessible from France so even for those not wanting to truck in good ol' Britain this is actually a good choice.
And it turns out that there's a delivery from it to Terni! Duly finished the job and drove my truck up to the legendary SRL depot.
Then I find it so funny that all 4 gift offers from that depot go to fully completed cities. SCS really should improve AI of World of Trucks client!
With 6 deliveries to go, I am going to do an experiment: First, I saved the game. From tomorrow, I am going to see if "making delivery, then load the save, then do it all over again" can get me some easy points (and contribute to this poor town in the mountains!)
A quick answer to my previous post: Yes it does. Although I ended up getting bored and do it the old way -- drive recklessly back to Terni SALSRL after every trip.
Now that my ETS2 part is complete, probably should try my hands on ATS before it ends on 17th January.
P. S. Wait, I don't have to! The 15 job count is actually shared between the two games! Still I made two in ATS as a gesture of goodwill. I got my ATS truck pictured updated in the process!
What do you think?